Sunday, March 1, 2009

Know more details about svchost.exe

If we open Task Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del) in the system windows XP or Vista, it will be more visible to the svchost.exe. Not just one but two are often seen quite a lot. But sometimes we do not know what the actual process is executed by svchost.exe, and how much we eat Memory.

In CodePlex, open source community project Microsoft, there is a small program that can make it easier for us to know more detail about svchost.exe.


SvchostViewer name, this small application, such as the name in a special design to see more detail about what is run by svchost.exe. Although we can find out more detail with Process Explorer from sysInternalls, but with this application more easily pengunaannya.

This software will make a scan (search) of svchost.exe running on the system and will appear in the Treeview, including applications that run detail, some features svchostViewer following:

* Seeing all of svchost.exe running on your computer
* Provide details of each sub-process and each process / application are executed.
* Showing the use of Memory (RAM), the size of data in the process and the "thread" is active for each svchost.exe
* Description of each process is executed and the program path (the location parameter in the file and run it).

Because this application only viewer, then we can not change, change the settings of the application that appears. This application does not need to install, and measuring only around 49 KB. To be able to run it necessary specifications:

* Windows XP SP2 and Vista
* Microsoft. NET Framework version 2.0 or above

If you are a C # programmer, it can also Download the Source Code is to be learned or developed.


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