Sunday, January 11, 2009

Tips to protect the eyes when berkomputer

For you that may be the same as I, to spend time ber hours at the computer every day, you need to remember to keep your vision. a few tips to protect my eyes from damage when berkomputer.

- If you use a computer CRT / tube. a low refresh rate can be dangerous to your eyes. Use 75hz refresh rate or more, so that your eye is not damaged are also not so tired quickly.

right-click on the desktop> select properties> settings tab click the Advanced

On the monitor tab, right in the Monitor section settings change your monitor refresh rate to be 75 hz or more (I use 85hz). but does not monitor all mendukunya. check the 'hide Modes ...' so that the refresh rate that is not supported in your monitor is not in the show. if the press is ok. after pressing the button when the display monitor your ok to be lost means the refresh rate you select is not supported by your monitor. lansung just press the escape [ESC] Searched in order to cancel the settings.

- Do not forget to rest your eyes in a specific time interval. it is best to do so with a short but often. every 20 minutes with the rest of you look at things that is located far (3-5 meter enough) for 20 seconds.

next-tips are standard tips are:

~ distance between the eyes and monitor at least 40 cm

~ use pencahayan enough and does not dim

~ monitor the position of the eyes and face straight

~ such as an ad that said tetas eyes, look at the monitor or television frequency winking eye that can cause dry eyes, so try to remind myself to blink your eyes or use eye drops.

a few tips that I can share, hopefully useful.


copyright 2008 all right reserved by Juliana Mansur